Michelle Shocked Archives

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Shocked Treatment

New York Post
November 8, 1996
Original article: PDF

SHOCKED TREATMENT: What’s special about a Michelle Shocked show isn’t the usual 2 ½ to three hours of excellent original music – it’s how in that time she manages to cross the boundary that separates fan and star without ever leaving the stage. Those lucky enough to have nabbed tickets for her intimate concert at Irving Plaza tomorrow will, by show’s end, not only know more about her personally, but more about themselves thanks to her insightful and universal lyrics. Her music crosses the lines between bluegrass, folk, rock, and blues. Expect the show to first focus on her new, very sober disc Kind Hearted Woman, with the later part devoted to her best-loved standards such as “On the Greener Side” and “Anchorage.”

Tickets for the 8 p.m. show are $20. Irving Plaza is located at 17 Irving Place at 15th Street. 212-777-1224.

Added to Library on April 28, 2020. (135)

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