Michelle Shocked Archives

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Westside Observer
May 1991
Original article: PDF

You won’t find mention of it anywhere in the promotional material dished out, but Michele Shocked is a lesbian – SHE SAYS SO!

Michele Shocked is a unique American singer/songwriter, who hails from that most legendary of states, Texas. As she puts it herself…”I was born in Dollars, Taxes…”

Shocked is a rare animal in the American contemporary music scene – she is very politically aware and outspoken – she is also a brilliant performer.

On her first tour of Australia in 1990, she was accompanied on stage by her father, highlighting songs from her albums, The Texas Campfire Tapes and Short Sharp Shocked.

For the current tour, Shocked will be performing material primarily from her most recent album, Captain Swing, but also some new songs and a couple of numbers written by Paul Kelly, and ‘and the Messengers’ fame. In fact, she is touring Australia with The Messengers.

Michelle Shocked will be performing at the Perth Concert Hall on Thursday March 14.

Added to Library on February 23, 2022. (144)

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